Farm and cheese factory
Les folies bergères

Christian and Marguerite from the farm and cheese factory Les folies bergères
Christian and Maggie started working on a farm late in life. Both ex-military, disciplined and passionate, this couple loves the challenge and together possess strengths of organization and perseverance. They have training in sheep production in addition to their university education.
Located in Sainte-Sixte, in the Petite-Nation region, Les folies bergères farm produces between 25,000 and 30,000 liters of milk annually with 125 ewes and 25 replacement ewe lambs. In addition, they produce between 125 and 175 market lambs.
The farm is also a cheese factory: cream cheese, feta, soft cheese and finally a semi-firm cheese. The cheese factory buys local cow’s milk to make fresh cheddar cheese of the day for the local market.
Finally, the cheese factory has two goat milk products: fresh and feta. The milk also comes from the region
Discover the products of the Les Folies Bergères cheese farm

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